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🔌A Handsome Charger😏| Prologe

Friday, 23th October, 2009, STC coaches to Cape Coast were fully booked. Of course, an all-knowing Auntie Sabina had influenced my decision to wear an unprescribed khaki pant.

I was first to arrive at the stop. I sat on the front row  of the bus unassuming, anxious, with no idea the end from the genesis of my 4-year stay on the hill.

Two-hour drive from Ring Road West through to Mankessim. My  good self fell; fell asleep. How ridiculous!

The gentleman who sat next to me couldn't sit for the final WASSCE exams. He's in heaven as I speak. 

Six shapeless beautys alighted at Mfantiman School, seven and half guys 'dropped' few meters to our destination. 
I didn't witness the direction those squad from KwaBotwe took thereafter.

In fact, I can't fathom the number of pages this true story of ours entails. Would you mind counting from now onwards? 

Life has  thought us several interesting courses: the ones we trailed, the few we excelled, some of which we had to resit. 

The world has to brace itself for episodes upon episodes yet to unfold.

Life is a handsome charger. A handsome charger indeed!

( *To be Continued...*)


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